My name is János Miklós (Jean), a 49 years old Hungarian with a passion for Science Fiction and Fantasy (littérature d'anticipation ). I started drawing since childhood. In fact, I studied technical drawing at high school for two years and this time I learned many things about it.
I have a background in IT, creating software’s for some Phare (lighthouse) projects. I learned to create software's using programming languages like: Quick Basic, Microsoft FoxPro, Turbo Pascal and Microsoft Access. I have also worked with Corel Draw, creating leaflets and brochures. After the projects were closed I tried to find myself something to fill my spare time, so I started to draw on paper and later build 3D models and landscape images using Corel Bryce. (that time, Corel Bryce was a free software for a few months).
Then I decide to study Economics for a few years and after graduate, I worked in a few places that requires that kind of knowledge. (Skills such as communication, problem solving, complex data handling and the use of specialized software program's.)
I like to learn foreign languages such as Romanian, English and French.
I like to create artworks and book covers.
I'm writing Science-Fiction story's in my free time.
I like to create lightsaber hilts and spaceships using all kind of trash, parts and PVC (https://www.flickr.com/photos/janosmiklos/)
I'm interesting in modding Star Trek Armada 2 &Fleet Operations, Homeworld 2 and Gratuitous Space Battles.
My favourite:
Visual Artist: Bob Bello, Chris Foss , Peter Elson, Ralph McQuarrie, Boris Vallejo, John Berkey,Stephan Martiniere
Movies: Valerian and the City of the Thousand Planets, Forbidden Planet,Les Mizérables, Albator-Corsaire de l'Espace,
TV Shows: Babylon 5, Deep Space Nine, Space 1999, Space Patrol Orion, The Expanse,
Bands / Musical Artists: Metal Ballads, Metallica, Mylene Farmer, Guano Apes, Falco, Estas Tonne
Books: The Stars My Destination, Cyberiada, Ringworld, Mote in God's Eye, Les Mizérables
Writers: Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Snowdon King, Ray Bradbury, Carl Sagan, Alfred Bester, Larry Niven, Stanislaw Lem, Jules Verne, Gérard Klein, J.-H. Rosny Aîné, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas
My favorite boots: Dr. Martens (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr._Martens)
Cartoon characters: Ben 10, Tom&Jerry, Transformers
Favorite characters from movies: Jean Valjean, Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne,Jacob Harlon, Wolverine,
Favorite movie actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Dominic West, Cristopher Lambert, Adrian Paul.
Legendary Hungarian action heroes: Toldi Miklós, János Vitéz, István Dobó, János Hunyadi, Mathias Rex, Sándor Ruzsa, Tenkes kapitánya (The Captain of Tenkes / Captain Tenkes)
Gaming Platform: Ubuntu Linux and Windows
Games: Star Trek Armada 2, Gratuitous Space Battles, Homeworld 2, Dead Space, Quake&Doom, Knights of the Old Republic, Jedi Academy, Dungeons&Dragons, Starcraft, Kingdoms of Amalur.
Favourite GPU: nVIDIA GeForce GT 640, PNY GeForce GT 740, Palit GTX 750 StormX OC, NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 and Radeon RX 550 AERO ITX 2G OC
Tools of the Trade: Crayon, Papier, Photopea, Krita, FireAlpaca, Gimp, Inkscape, Maverick Model 3D, SketchUp, Wings 3D, MeshLab.
Writing Tools: FreeOffice, FocusWriter, CalmlyWriter
Personal Quote: "If you want something done, do it yourself!"
Current Residence: Planet Earth (La planète Terre)
Skype: Jean(mjanos39)
DA> https://www.deviantart.com/miklosgo
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/people/janosmiklos/
My Perry Rhodan site: https://www.prfz.de/janos-miklos.html
Some of my Perry Rhodan artworks have been published in the Terracom- Perry Rhodan Online Club (2010)- : http://terracom.proc-community.de/archiv.php
My illustrations have appeared in the Danish Sci-Fi Magazine “NOVUM” and "Proxima" (2013) - www.sciencefiction.dk
Magellan space expedition: https://magellanurexpedicio.blogspot.com
Uezen Space Battles: https://uezenspacebattles.blogspot.com/
The UEZEN Universe: https://issuu.com/snowdon_king/docs/prospektusfinal
Urstrategia Uezen: https://www.playdome.hu/hirek/48292/uezen-space-battles-ingyenes-urstrategia-magyar-fejlesztesben
Wing Commander Mod for Star Trek Armada 2: https://www.fleetops.net/forums/modscompleted/wing-commander-11707?p=207565#p207565 and http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-trek-armada-2-wing-commander
Star Trek Armada 2: https://www.pirateclub.hu/topic/7768153-star-trek-armada-2/#comment-1478973807
Gratuitous Space Battles: https://www.pirateclub.hu/topic/7908782-gratuitous-space-battles/#comment-1479234471
Linux: https://linuxlitehun.blogspot.com/
WC: https://www.wcnews.com/chatzone/threads/armada-ii-mod-returns-may-15-2017.28850/
Sci-Fi books:
Sci-Fi story's (EN): https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1271661
Sci-Fi story's (HU): https://www.kobo.com/nl/nl/ebook/szuleto-univerzum
Langue Française: https://mega.nz/file/Rh0GHRxa#dwAscm4SxtEELtzFW32HgUpA2_R-73MbbZTlVQshqiU
Kirrda Universe: https://kirrdauniverse.webnode.hu/
Luceafarul: https://luceafarul.net/oare-despre-ce-viseaza-autorii-de-sf-din-ziua-de-azi
Artworks made by friends:
Bob Bello: https://timeship.foliohd.com/
Peter Saga: https://sagaarts.wixsite.com/mysite
Lee Crystal: https://www.outpost13.com/
Connor Zelinsky: http://connorzelinsky.com/
Connor Zelinsky: https://www.flickr.com/photos/165498364@N08/
Miklós János: https://miklosjanos.foliohd.com/
Viktor Tolnai: https://tolnaiviktor.mozellosite.com/
Andy T. Miller: https://moly.hu/alkotok/andy-t-miller
Snowdon King: https://https://www.ionutcaragea.ro/
György Maléth: https://malethgyorgy.webnode.hu/
Sáfár Sándor: https://moly.hu/alkotok/safar-sandor/sorozatok
ASLRQ: https://www.aslrq.ro/ (Association des Écrivains de Langue Roumaine du Québec)
“If you are quiet enough, you will hear the flow of the universe. You will feel its rhythm. Go with this flow. Happiness lies ahead.” - Buddha Gautama
« Si vous êtes suffisamment silencieux, vous entendrez le flux de l’univers. Vous ressentirez son rythme. Suivez ce flux. Le bonheur nous attend. » - Buddha Gautama